In the following table you can find our generic user manuals

Click on either the links on the left for the manual in English, or the flags below to get to the manual in your language. All our user manuals are available in PDF format. Click on the link to the right to get Adobe PDF Reader, if you don’t have it already.

With our new anniversary range, the manuals are more specific for each amplifier, those manuals will be placed on the product pages with each product.

If we do not have the right manual in your own language and you would like to help others, please feel free to submit your translations and we will include recognition for your work on every manual sent out.


SterlingUK flagFrench flag Spanish flagPortugese flagDanish flagSwedish flagIndonesian flagGreek flagGerman flag
Silver NightUK flagFrench flagDutch flagSpanish flagPortugese flagDanish flagSwedish flag Greek flagGerman flag
Golden NightUK flagFrench flag Spanish flag  Swedish flag   
ParagonUK flagFrench flag Spanish flag    Greek flag 
PlatinumUK flagFrench flag        
Elite 3 box 845UK flagFrench flagDutch flagSpanish flag  Swedish flag Greek flag 
AMP FluxUK flag  Spanish flag      
Golden DreamUK flag         
Premier Pre-ampsUK flagFrench flag   Danish flag   German flag
Premier QuattroUK flagFrench flag   Danish flagSwedish flag   
Premier Phono stagesUK flagFrench flag   Danish flag   German flag




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For technical information or support of our products


For kit information and after sales service and support


For general information on our products

Audion International 

We are English Speaking and a British Company. We also speak Danish, Dutch, Icelandic and some French

+33 (0) 5 46 04 32 82  

HOURS OF BUSINESS: 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. GMT + 1 Hr (Central Euro Time)

Address Chez Reynaud, Le Haut Mont, 17360, La Genetouze. France 
