Audion Premier 2.0 Line & MM Phono stage Plus, 2 Box

Audion Premier Plus 2.0 Line/MM phono stage 2 box active pre-amplifier with separate power supply. 

Separate power supply

The Premier line level pre-amp is an incredibly quiet active class A buffered stage. The Premier line pre-amplifier uses a classic Alps Blue Velvet volume pot and combined with superior input switching for 5 line level inputs via the front mounted toggle switches, as shown in the pictures.Audion Premier Line level plus with moving magnet phono stage 2 box pre-amplifier has 4 Line level inputs, a Moving magnet phono stage input and 3 outputs (2 line outs and an unattenuated tape output). This pre-amp, like all of our pre-amps is hand built. 

The Audion Premier line / phono plus pre-amplifier 2.0 is an active class A device. Built with 4 line level inputs and an MM phono stage, switched from the front panel, 2 line outputs and a direct un-switched, unattenuated tape output. This pre-amp has the benefit of our standalone MM phono stage built into this pre-amp. The 2 box design puts the power supply in a separate box, making it quieter and sonically better

Like the Line /Phono pre-amp the sound stage is extremely fluid and controlled. Roll off in both directions is seamless. Resolution is astounding, with absolutely convincing depth even at very low playing levels. It brings recording to life and places you directly in front of the performance. The phono stage is an active valve design using no step up transformers, meaning it is incredibly fast and fluid.

This is an extremely versatile pre-amplifier that can be used as a buffered volume control for any amplifier other than ours that does not have a volume control, or with any amplifier needing a volume control and a phono stage. We would match this with any of our range of intermediate or high end power amplifiers.

Audion Premier 2.0 Line / MM phone pre-amp.

John Marchant
John MarchantHifi
The sound was a contrast, detailed and extremely musical. There was no slowness and desire to lull the listener, for which I dislike for a directly heated triode single end.
John Darko
John Darko@username
Every amp in their range feels like it's punching well above its weight. More seasoned audiophiles will know that good amplification – no matter the topology – has no sound of its own. Don’t expect the thick syrup or golden hues of sub-$1000 Chinese units. There is no sickly/heavy sauce here. Neither is there porridge bass. Who said tubes are no hopeless below the waist? (Fools!) This Audion is the healthiest of extra virgin olive oil: light, transparent, clean. And fast. It is unburdened by ponderous, labouring low frequencies or musical weight gain. Its talents lie in 1. the ability to drive a wide range of loudspeakers and 2. the beautification of music. Each combination a winner.
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