Audion Select MC1 Moving Coil Step up transformer
Audion Select MC1 Moving coil step up 1:10 & 1:20 (25R & 100R ) transformer
Audion Select MC1 Moving coil step up transformer.
Audion Select MC1 moving coil step up transformer is hand built with very high quality wire and components. The Audion Select MC1 moving coil step up transformer has 2 sets of winding ratios to cover around about 95% of the moving coil cartridges on today’s market. With a 1:10 ratio designed for 100 ohm cartridges and a 1:20 ratio for 25 ohm cartridges. Built with 2 MC level inputs switched from the rear panel for 25 or 100 ohm and 2 outputs at 47K MM level designed to feed directly to an MM RIAA phono stage, like our MM phono stage or Line/MM phono pre-amplifier. This step up transformer is also fitted with a ground loop lift switch designed to stop any ground loops..
Being a passive step up transformer it will not add hum or tube noise to your current equipment. The chassis is black powder coated aluminium as is the base. The top plate is mirror finished stainless steel designed to match our Premier line of pre-amp phono stages as well as our range of Anniversary power amplifiers.
We are able to offer the MC1 as an option with silver internal wiring, and WBT Nextgen RCA sockets.
Being a passive stage it will not alter your soundstage, but at the same time it will allow micro details to come to the fore . In use it is absolutely invisible, with extreme depth even at very low levels. It brings recordings to life and places you directly in front of the performance
The name “Audion Select” has been given as it is mainly a selector and in the double entendre stakes it is also a select product..

Audion Select MC1 Step up transformer
The MC1’s transformer is quite a special transformer using micro winding techniques developed for our heanium gated tensioners on our Itasca Model 100 coil winding machine, which allows micro accurate tensioning, which ultimately affects the finished sound. Built in the same outer can and with very similar materials and winding techniques to our TVC transformer the MC1 is extremely fast and capable of handling the most intricate and detailed musical passages as well as the subtle nuances from very low output MC cartrdiges. Outstanding performance, lightning quick response curves and terrific transparency
Designed to work well below 10hz and above 60Khz. The output is at 47kohm so ideally suited for our pre-amp MM RIAA stage. We measured it totally linear between 10hz and 20khz and at -3db to a little over 60Khz.
We have rear switching for 25 ohm or 100 ohm inputs. The transformers are built into a shielded and potted 5.5cm x 7cm can
The chassis (like all of our amps) is made of military grade aluminium, with a durable black powder coated finish. The top plate is finished with mirror polished stainless steel.
Technical specifications for the Select MC1 Moving coil step up transformer.
Type: Transformer based 1:10 & 1:20 (25 ohm and 100 ohm) inputs Switchable
Inputs: 1 stereo pair at MC level
Outputs: 1 stereo pair at 47K MM level
Freq. Response: 10hz – 25Khz – +/-0.1db & 48Khz @ +/-3db
Internal Wiring: Pure Solid 4N copper or optional Swiss Silver
Transformer Wiring: Pure Solid 4N Copper
Internal transformer construction: Super permalloy amorphous silicon steel
Case: designed to match other amps in the Special Edition range0.
Product options for the Select MC1
There are currently only two upgrade options available for the MC1
Silver wired internal interconnects / ground wires and
WBT Nextgen RCA terminals
Upgrade options and upgraded product categories direct from the factory.
Product options for the Select 1.0 passive pre-amplifier is as follows
There are currently several upgrade options available for the 1.0
Silver wired internal Interconnect / ground wires and
WBT Nextgen RCA terminals
There are options available to have this transformer wound in 4N solid silver wire – Please enquire directly to us for pricing, as due to the volatility of the price of Silver this option can change.
Product reviews from around the World.
I have been using Lundahl SUTs in my system for a number of years now and they do quite a nice job of matching to my pre-amp. They are not cheap however and I know my system could sound better, but then when you figure that the cartridge being used is likely to be be in the $800 and up range they are not so bad. So on a tip from another audiophile I ordered an Audion Select MC1 moving coil step up tranaformer to see if they improved my overall system.
At about double the cost of the Lundahls I expected some improvement and sure as hell got it. They are really quite excellent. They certainly seem to have a cleaner bottom end and give a more three dimensional sound stage presentation as well as a blitzing top end. I have not tried them with all the cartridges I have, but they really make the Dynavector Karat 23RS-MC sing, and of course my Denon DL103. I fully expect great performance out of my other cartridges as well. The biggest problem with the Audion box is that it is smaller than my other Audion components, that said the sound from such a small boxed SUT was astounding, So if you are out there looking for an upgrade in your system and don’t mind a smaller box… then this could be what you are looking for. Bruce – Customer comment from New Zealand 2019
The MC1’s transformer is quite a special transformer using micro winding techniques developed for our heanium gated tensioners on our Itasca Model 100 coil winding machine, which allows micro accurate tensioning, which ultimately affects the finished sound. Built in the same outer can and with very similar materials and winding techniques to our TVC transformer the MC1 is extremely fast and capable of handling the most intricate and detailed musical passages as well as the subtle nuances from very low output MC cartrdiges. Outstanding performance, lightning quick response curves and terrific transparency
Designed to work well below 10hz and above 60Khz. The output is at 47kohm so ideally suited for our pre-amp MM RIAA stage. We measured it totally linear between 10hz and 20khz and at -3db to a little over 60Khz.
We have rear switching for 25 ohm or 100 ohm inputs. The transformers are built into a shielded and potted 5.5cm x 7cm can
The chassis (like all of our amps) is made of military grade aluminium, with a durable black powder coated finish. The top plate is finished with mirror polished stainless steel.
Technical specifications for the Select MC1 Moving coil step up transformer.
Type: Transformer based 1:10 & 1:20 (25 ohm and 100 ohm) inputs Switchable
Inputs: 1 stereo pair at MC level
Outputs: 1 stereo pair at 47K MM level
Freq. Response: 10hz – 25Khz – +/-0.1db & 48Khz @ +/-3db
Internal Wiring: Pure Solid 4N copper or optional Swiss Silver
Transformer Wiring: Pure Solid 4N Copper
Internal transformer construction: Super permalloy amorphous silicon steel
Case: designed to match other amps in the Special Edition range0.
Product options for the Select MC1
There are currently only two upgrade options available for the MC1
Silver wired internal interconnects / ground wires and
WBT Nextgen RCA terminals
Upgrade options and upgraded product categories direct from the factory.
Product options for the Select MC1 step up transformer are as follows
There are currently only two upgrade options available for the SE TVC1
Silver wired internal Interconnect / ground wires and
WBT Nextgen RCA terminals
There are options available to have this transformer wound in 4N solid silver wire – Please enquire directly to us for pricing, as due to the volatility of the price of Silver this option can change.
Product reviews from around the World.
I have been using Lundahl SUTs in my system for a number of years now and they do quite a nice job of matching to my pre-amp. They are not cheap however and I know my system could sound better, but then when you figure that the cartridge being used is likely to be be in the $800 and up range they are not so bad. So on a tip from another audiophile I ordered an Audion Select MC1 moving coil step up tranaformer to see if they improved my overall system.
At about double the cost of the Lundahls I expected some improvement and sure as hell got it. They are really quite excellent. They certainly seem to have a cleaner bottom end and give a more three dimensional sound stage presentation as well as a blitzing top end. I have not tried them with all the cartridges I have, but they really make the Dynavector Karat 23RS-MC sing, and of course my Denon DL103. I fully expect great performance out of my other cartridges as well. The biggest problem with the Audion box is that it is smaller than my other Audion components, that said the sound from such a small boxed SUT was astounding, So if you are out there looking for an upgrade in your system and don’t mind a smaller box… then this could be what you are looking for. Bruce – Customer comment from New Zealand 2019